Re: Yet Another LOD cloud browser

Sherman Monroe wrote:
> Hugh,
> On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 5:18 PM, Hugh Glaser < 
> <>> wrote:
>     I have difficulty in interpreting what you say - we are looking at
>     the same "linked data browser" page?:
>     All I can see is a page that says: "Lookup things named "" " So
>     the only possibility of linked data browsing is to put in
>     something with a name.
>     So I put something topical in (from this list).
>     Since I see
>     ...
>      <Station rdf:about="">
>        <foaf:name xml:lang="en">Manchester Piccadilly</foaf:name>
>     ...
>     I try "Manchester Piccadilly" and get some response, but nothing
>     leads me to
> or any of the data I
>     find there.
>     Similarly topical from this list, I find no way of browsing
> or getting to
>     that page by searching for "Keith Alexander".
> It appears you're right in this instance. However, here is some info 
> we have on Manchester Piccadilly (Stations) 
> <>. And here are 
> records we have for People named Keith Alexander 
> <>. We don't claim 
> to have visability over the entire Linked Data cloud, but to say we 
> are a browser of the Linked Data cloud is, I believe, as accurate as 
> to say my car is a car although it hasn't been every place a car can 
> go :) Google admits it may never be able to index a very large portion 
> of the web <>, but that 
> doesn't make them any less of a web search engine.
> I've had conversations with Kingsley about this distinction, and based 
> on his insight re. warehousing all this data, I can identity at least 
> three LOD clouds (or at least three segments of it):
> - warehouses (produced from published RDF dump archives)
> - dynamic (sponged)
> - crawled where you sponge/crawl progressively across the likes of 
> PTSW, Sindice etc.. that receive pings and crawl data
> Even a 4th where people publish linked data, expose an sparql endpoint 
> but don't release archives. Better methods of advertising their SPARQL 
> endpoints and RDF servers once they come online would greatly help us 
> expand coverage.
> -sherman

Hugh's key point is that you are not behaving like ODE, Zitgist, 
Marbles, Tabulator, etc..

Also, this simply means: use the Sponger that comes with your Virtuoso 
instance :-)

>     I also see no way of doing "3. Raw URI Lookup" of this URI.
> Yes, this is a feature that is pending in the razorbase UI, but will 
> be added.
>     I assert that if this is a "linked data browser", then since
> conforms (I think) to
>     "How to Publish Linked Data on the Web", then I should be able to
>     browse it using the browser.
>     If I can't, then it is not a "linked data browser".
> Hmm, Internet Explorer doesn't implement some portions of the 
> Javascript and CSS standards, but no one argues that IE is a W3C 
> compliant browser and CSS/JS client. But I do understand your point, 
> and it's something worth keeping in mind.
>     Of course, this browser is very capable of browsing your excellent
>     single site, but that is not the same thing, I am sorry to say.
> Thanks so much for all your insight, feedback is always welcomed :)
> -- 
> Thanks,
> -sherman
> I pray that you may prosper in all things and be healthy, even as your 
> soul prospers
> (3 John 1:2)



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Received on Saturday, 16 May 2009 00:20:46 UTC