from July 2009 by subject

"How to Publish Linked Data" vs "Cool URIs don't change"

"How to Publish Linked Data" vs "Dereferencing HTTP URIs"

"Two-way Search" demo anyone?

.htaccess a major bottleneck to Semantic Web adoption / Was: Re: RDFa vs RDF/XML and content negotiation

2nd CFP: 7th International Workshop on Evaluation of Ontology-based tools (EON2009)

303 redirection strategy for IIS

303 vs. Content-Location / Was Re: .htaccess a major bottleneck to Semantic Web adoption

[ANN] DBpedia 3.3


[ANN] SIREn 0.1 Release

[Dbpedia-discussion] pagelinks not loaded @

[discogs] Announce: First draft of Discogs data conversion

[Fwd: 2nd CFP: ISWC'09 workshop on Ontology Matching (OM-2009)]

[Fwd: UML Diagram of the GoodRelations Ontology]

Alternatives to OWL for linked data?

ANN: Conversion tool from BMEcat XML catalogs into GoodRelations RDF/XML

ANN: Linked Data/Semantic Web Application - RKBExplorer

ANN: RKBGadgets

ANN: Sparallax! - Browse sets of things together (now those on your SPARQL endpoint)

ANN: XLWrap-Server wraps any spreadsheets to RDF

Announce: Bristol Vocamp, 10th & 11th September 2009

another content negotiation question

ASWC 2009 Call for Papers

AW: "How to Publish Linked Data" vs "Dereferencing HTTP URIs"

AW: - live views on the web of data

Call for public review - Linked Data Applications Technical Report

Call for Submissions for 3rd International Rules Challenge

CFP ISWC09 Workshop: Semantics for the rest of us


CFP: ISWC 2009 Workshop on Collaborative Construction, Management and Linking of Structured Knowledge

CfP: Workshop on User-generated Services (UGS2009)

Commercial Linked Data Initiatives list?

Consuming Linked Data Tutorial at ISWC2009

Contd. "Two-way Search" demo anyone?

Contd: Content Negotiation and HTTP 303 Redirect Code Samples

Content Negotiation and HTTP 303 Redirect Code Samples

cool urls and redirects

Core Ontology on Events -- Re: looking for an event ontology/vocabulary

DBpedia 3.3 - different versions of Geo data description

Distributed versioning for RDF?

Dons flame resistant (3 hours) interface about Linked Data URIs

Early Bird Registration ends 31st July - 5th i-Semantics 2009/4th AIS SigPrag Int. Pragmatic Web

Excellent News for LOD: Yahoo Provides Tool for RDFa+GoodRelations for Site Owners

Freebase Acre 1.0

Fusion Tables: Google's approach to sharing data on the Web

Fwd: Commercial Linked Data Initiatives list?

Geonames oddities

How can we use hash URIs to serve both the document and the RDFa triples?

how do I report bad sameAs links? (dbpedia <-> Cyc)

IJSWIS Special Issue on Scalability and Performance of Semantic Web Systems

Include LOD content into Drupal websites

Interfaces to explore the LoD

ISWC 2009 student fellowships

Last CFP: CK 2009 - Workshop on Collaborative Construction, Management and Linking of Structured Knowledge, collocated with ISWC 2009

Linked Data - The Story So Far: New Overview Paper

Linked Data and the Public Domain

Linked Data/Semantic Web Application - RKBExplorer

Links from Myspace to Musicbrainz

looking for an event ontology/vocabulary

Major Development re. SUMO, Yago, and Wordnet

Merging Databases

Metadata Registries Functional Requirements Survey

Minting clean URLs to be hosted at a 3rd party


owl:sameAs (oops, minor correction)

owl:sameAs [recipe]

RDFa vs RDF/XML and content negotiation

Recipe for Shops: Showing up in Yahoo and in the Web of Data in One Turn

Reification in RDFa Was: .htaccess a major bottleneck to Semantic Web adoption

Representing time varying data - suggestions for ontologies?

Requests for Linked Data Demo Screencasts

Requirements: RDF and social applications (was: Distributed versioning for RDF?)

Second CfP: 2nd international workshop on Social Data on the Web (SDoW2009), colocated with ISWC2009

Semantic Web Challenge 2009

SemanticTweet now supports geonames - live views on the web of data

temporary URLs on Second Life

The Soldier in later Medieval England - databases

tutorial on Music and the Web of Data

URI Instability as a Goal

VoCamp, creating new vocabularies, Nice, France, 24th and 25th September 2009

What is the current thinking about how to tie a concept or "tag" to a webpage via LinkedData?

Last message date: Friday, 31 July 2009 23:08:05 UTC