Re: Is CONNECT hop-by-hop?

On 4/19/19 2:20 PM, Alex Rousskov wrote:
>> When a child proxy receives a CONNECT
>> request, and must go through the parent proxy, is the child supposed to
>> forward the end-to-end CONNECT headers (e.g., User-Agent and X-Foo)?

I regret using a short and catchy subject line! My misleading subject
derailed the discussion away from the actual question (quoted above)
into the muddy waters of lesser terminology battles. Sorry.

AFAICT after distilling the responses, the consensus so far is "yes, the
child proxy should forward end-to-end CONNECT headers (e.g., User-Agent
and X-Foo) in the CONNECT request it sends to the parent proxy".

If you think that the child proxy should _not_ forward end-to-end
CONNECT headers such as User-Agent and X-Foo, please say so.

Thank you,


Received on Sunday, 21 April 2019 16:10:16 UTC