Weekly github digest (HTTP Working Group Specifications)

Events without label "editorial"

* httpwg/http-extensions (+11/-9/💬30)
  11 issues created:
  - GET w/body (by mnot)
    https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions/issues/546 [bcp56bis] 
  - Caching (by mnot)
    https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions/issues/545 [bcp56bis] 
  - Expand "Co-Existing with Web Browsing" (by mnot)
    https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions/issues/544 [bcp56bis] 
  - Example headers are not using hyphens (by annevk)
  - base64 dialect (by annevk)
  - structured-headers: Has JSON been considered? (by evert)
  - structured-headers: Why ignore UTF-8? (by evert)
  - "confused deputy" (by annevk)
  - Parsing a Dictionary from Text (by annevk)
  - Parsing Text into Structured Headers (by annevk)
  - Specifying Structured Headers (by annevk)

  14 issues received 30 new comments:
  - #504 Impact of Combining headers (7 by annevk, mnot)
    https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions/issues/504 [design] [header-structure] 
  - #537 UTF-8 (7 by evert, mnot, annevk)
    https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions/issues/537 [header-structure] 
  - #433 Length limits on types (4 by phluid61, mnot, annevk)
    https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions/issues/433 [design] [header-structure] 
  - #538 structured-headers: Has JSON been considered? (2 by evert, mnot)
    https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions/issues/538 [header-structure] 
  - #219 One repo per extension? (1 by annevk)
    https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions/issues/219 [meta] 
  - #536 "confused deputy" (1 by annevk)
  - #476 Identifying top-level data types (1 by annevk)
    https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions/issues/476 [design] [header-structure] 
  - #524 netinfo still mentioned in client-hints (1 by igrigorik)
    https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions/issues/524 [client-hints] 
  - #372 Accept-CH-Lifetime privacy concerns (1 by igrigorik)
    https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions/issues/372 [client-hints] [design] 
  - #533 Specifying Structured Headers (1 by annevk)
  - #534 Parsing Text into Structured Headers (1 by mnot)
    https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions/issues/534 [header-structure] 
  - #505 Strings, Identifiers and Items (1 by mnot)
    https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions/issues/505 [design] [header-structure] 
  - #539 base64 dialect (1 by mnot)
    https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions/issues/539 [header-structure] 
  - #220 Module workers can be fetched across origins (1 by annevk)
    https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions/issues/220 [6265bis] [design] 

  9 issues closed:
  - Example headers are not using hyphens https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions/issues/540 [header-structure] 
  - "confused deputy" https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions/issues/536 [bcp56bis] 
  - bcp56bis 4.9 - stateless https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions/issues/528 [bcp56bis] 
  - bcp56bis - 4.9 is scheme the right scope https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions/issues/527 [bcp56bis] 
  - Strings, Identifiers and Items https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions/issues/505 [design] [header-structure] 
  - Specifying Structured Headers https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions/issues/533 [header-structure] 
  - Parsing a Dictionary from Text https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions/issues/535 [header-structure] 
  - Parsing Text into Structured Headers https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions/issues/534 [header-structure] 
  - structured-headers: Has JSON been considered? https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions/issues/538 [header-structure] 

Pull requests
* httpwg/http-extensions (+2/-5/💬3)
  2 pull requests submitted:
  - Incorporated Darshak's editorial edits for (submitted) draft-ietf-httpbis-rand-access-live-03 (by craigpratt)
  - Incorporated Darshak's edits minus whitespace (by craigpratt)

  3 pull requests received 3 new comments:
  - #521 fix ABNF (see #520) (1 by mnot)
    https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions/pull/521 [header-structure] 
  - #488 move acks to end and make them unnumbered (1 by igrigorik)
    https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions/pull/488 [client-hints] 
  - #541 Incorporated Darshak's edits minus whitespace (1 by craigpratt)

  5 pull requests merged:
  - avoid markdown syntax in spec text examples
    https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions/pull/509 [bcp56bis] 
  - Incorporated Darshak's editorial edits for (submitted) draft-ietf-httpbis-rand-access-live-03
  - fix ABNF (see #520)
    https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions/pull/521 [header-structure] 
  - move acks to end and make them unnumbered
    https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions/pull/488 [client-hints] 
  - Use the right amount of base64 padding in binary content examples.

Repositories tracked by this digest:
* https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions

Received on Sunday, 1 April 2018 00:45:45 UTC