Re: MITM and proxy messages [was: Call for Adoption: draft-song-dns-wireformat-http]

On 06.08.2016 02:25, Mark Nottingham wrote:
> Would this help?
> Keep in mind that only helps for configured proxies.
configured proxies are not the bug; why not just simpy use plain HTML?

your sample chould then just be this simple:

HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Content-Type: text/html
Cache-Control: no-cache

<META  HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type"CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<TITLE>Policy Violation</TITLE>
<H1>Policy Violation</H1>
<LI>This content is above your pay grade.<A HREF="">More Info</A>.
<ADDRESS>Acme Networks Proxy</ADDRESS>

is this really a disadvantage doing it this way? and if yes, why?

without having the signing certificate used by the proxy installed in the certstore of the client
the "new way" have no advantages;

Received on Sunday, 7 August 2016 17:28:29 UTC