Re: Abbreviation form for HTTP JSON Header Field Values?

Hi Julian,

2016-07-09 2:18 GMT+09:00 Julian Reschke <>:
> Hi Kazuho,
> sorry for not making any progress on this for so long.
> I'm still not convinced that your proposal is the right way to do this. My
> main concern being that the code that does the conversion needs to
> understand the JSON data model for the particular header field.
> In
> <>,
> I added my own take about how a JSON variant of Accept-Encoding could be
> simplified (accept-encoding was one of your examples):

Thank you for the response.

The accept-encoding's case is very interesting to me.

In case of your example, applying the abbreviation rules would allow
converting `{“q”: N}` to `N` under the premise that `q` is defined as
the default key.

Taking your example, the rules would allow converting

    {"gzip":{}}, {"identity":{"q":0.5}}, {"*":{"q":0}}


    {"gzip":{}}, {"identity":0.5}, {"*":0}

The impact of the rules is not so significant here since the name of
the default key `q` is short.

In other words, the impact of abbreviation is proportional to the
length of the default key plus the depth of the JSON structure. So we
might be able to live without having abbreviation rules if we can keep
the names of the default keys short.

P.S. I agree with Martin and PHK that it would be better to present
the entire header using a single hash whenever possible.

>> 6.4.  Accept-Encoding
>>    The Accept-Encoding header field value is defined in Section 5.3.4 of
>>    [RFC7231] as a list of codings, each of which allowing a weight
>>    parameter 'q':
>>       Accept-Encoding = #( codings [ weight ] )
>>       codings         = content-coding / "identity" / "*"
>>       weight          = OWS ";" OWS "q=" qvalue
>>       qvalue          = ( "0" [ "." 0*3DIGIT ] )
>>                       / ( "1" [ "." 0*3("0") ] )
>>    An example for a complex header field value given in the definition
>>    of the header field is:
>>      gzip;q=1.0, identity; q=0.5, *;q=0
>>    Due to the defaulting rules for the quality value ([RFC7231], Section
>>    5.3.1), this could also be written as:
>>      gzip, identity; q=0.5, *; q=0
>>    A JSON representation could be:
>>      [
>>        {
>>          "gzip" : {
>>          }
>>        },
>>        {
>>          "identity" : {
>>            "q": 0.5
>>          }
>>        },
>>        {
>>          "*" : {
>>            "q": 0
>>          }
>>        }
>>      ]
>>    ...which would translate to a header field value of:
>>      {"gzip": {}}, {"identity": {"q": 0.5}}, {"*": {"q": 0}}
>>    In this example, the part about "gzip" appears unnecessarily verbose,
>>    as the value is just an empty object.  A simpler notation would
>>    collapse members like these to string literals:
>>      "gzip", {"identity": {"q": 0.5}}, {"*": {"q": 0}}
>>    If this is desirable, the header field definition could allow both
>>    string literals and objects, and define that a mere string literal
>>    would be mapped to a member whose name is given by the string
>>    literal, and the value is an empty object.
>>    For what it's worth, one of the most common cases for 'Accept-
>>    Encoding' would become:
>>      "gzip", "deflate"
>>    which would be only a small overhead over the original format.
> Please let me know what you think.
> Best regards, Julian

Kazuho Oku

Received on Monday, 11 July 2016 15:00:21 UTC