Re: #44: alt-svc frame on pushed streams

Issue 44, which I raised, is specifically about the interpretation of the
origin field for pushed streams. The document already sepcifies must ignore
ignore the frame for pulled streams which specify an origin (because the
stream ID is supposed to define the origin) but it is silent about pushed
streams. I suggested must ignore for pushed streams too (when they provide
an origin) which still makes sense to me (i.e. as martin says, they aren't

Julian added onto the issue saying we don't specify altsvc frame handling
in general (not just origin semantics) for pushed frames. Mark seems to
have coalesced those two points into this one email - I agree that the
answer for the whole frame shouldn't be must ignore assuming it doesn't
supply an origin.

at least that's the way I unwind it.

On Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 12:41 PM, Martin Thomson <>

> On 16 March 2015 at 22:50, Mark Nottingham <> wrote:
> > Any objection to stating that they MUST be ignored by recipients?
> Is there any reason that server-initiated streams need to be made
> special?  I mean, once the standard response handling has started, I
> can't imagine any reason for treating push specially.

Received on Tuesday, 17 March 2015 17:29:58 UTC