Re: Proposed HTTP SEARCH method update - QUERY is to GET what PATCH is to PUT

On 2015-04-27 22:34, wrote:
> ...
> It is my feeling that the authors of this draf want to do the right thing here, but were worried
> to come up with a new method name, and favored going with something existing like SEARCH rather
> than try something new. I was hoping in the previous mail that SEARCH could be redefined to do
> the right thing. But if it cannot then another method name is welcome.
> ...

There are already three safe HTTP methods that take a request payload 
(PROPFIND, SEARCH and REPORT). Some software stacks already know about 
these (for instance, wrt whether a request can be safely repeated on 
network failure). There's simply no reason to create yet another one, 
when, from an HTTP point of view, it does exactly the same thing.

> For this I propose to use the verb QUERY, which I think would be much clearer and less heavy sounding than SEARCH, which is too active and open.

I don't see any difference between these, but maybe it's because English 
is not my mother language.

> ...

Best regards, Julian

Received on Monday, 27 April 2015 20:50:17 UTC