Re: h2 proxy and connection flow control

On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 9:39 AM, Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <>

> Since Browser's receive window is 0, Frontend Proxy cannot send
> more DATA for stream A to Browser.  Meanwhile, Frontend Proxy
> continues to receive DATA for stream B from Backend.  Since
> stream A's stream window is 0, Frontend Proxy cannot proceed and
> just buffer the received data and eventually Frontend Proxy's
> receive window for connection becomes 0.
> After this happens, Browser can still issue new request, but
> Backend cannot send response to Frontend Proxy because its recive
> window is 0.  This means that if Browser stalls one stream, it
> stalls all streams in entire session.

The proxy cannot receive more data because its resources (the session
window) are exhausted.

If it did receive more data where would it put it?

If it actually has room for more data then it should just increase its
session window with a window update.

Received on Thursday, 21 August 2014 14:00:05 UTC