Re: draft-montenegro-httpbis-uri-encoding

Le Ven 21 mars 2014 14:39, Julian Reschke a écrit :
> On 2014-03-21 14:24, Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
>> Le Ven 21 mars 2014 13:54, Bjoern Hoehrmann a écrit :
>>> * Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
>>>> Really, can't you read the abundant documentation that was written on
>>>> the
>>>> massive FAIL duck typing is for encoding (for example, python-side)?
>>>> Code
>>>> passing unit tests then failing right and left as soon as some new
>>>> encoding combo or text triggering encoding differences injected in the
>>>> system? Piles of piles of partial workarounds till there was complete
>>>> loss
>>>> of understanding how they were all supposed to work in the first
>>>> place?
>>>> That's the last thing you want to reinvent on security equipments (and
>>>> you'll reinvent it because the amount of non-ASCII urls is small now
>>>> but
>>>> will only grow with time).
>>> Julian asked for a concrete example use case. So far you have not given
>>> one. It might help to assume the rest of us understands the subject at
>>> hand at least as well as you do.
>> As I wrote last time he asked the same question, on some of our networks
>> accesses are controlled by regex-like checks on URL and not knowing the
>> encoding of processes URLs means this processing (and the processing of
>> security logs) is unreliable.
>> ...
> I understand the pain caused by having to apply heuristics.
> What I don't understand is how an out-of-band signal that can be
> incorrect helps. If this is about security-related checks, you can't
> trust it anyway, no?

In a security context if something is suspicious you block/fail/error out
and don't ask questions.

With undefined encoding everything is suspicious so you can't act because
it may be normal.

Nicolas Mailhot

Received on Friday, 21 March 2014 13:59:21 UTC