Re: debug field in GOAWAY

On 21 February 2014 14:36, Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <> wrote:
> We have 17 implementations so far. Are there anyone who use debug field in
> GOAWAY in a meaningful way?

Hyper doesn't use it, and the most it'd ever do with it is throw it in
exceptions or print it in logs: I doubt it will ever take action on

However, on a purely selfish level I don't object to having it there.
It doesn't add any significant complexity to my code or to my users'
code, and there's no spec requirement that I pay any attention to it
at all. From a pure implementation standpoint I treat that field as
opaque data, and so I'm happy to take it or leave it.

Of course, if someone has a philosophical reason to remove it or keep
it in I'll happily defer to their wisdom.


Received on Friday, 21 February 2014 14:45:42 UTC