Re: #444: Flushing Alt-Svc Cache

Agreed; we could mention that with a MAY...

On 25 Apr 2014, at 2:26 pm, Martin Thomson <> wrote:

> I think that's workable.  The cost is that certain classes of device
> will perform discovery a lot.  Those devices could maintain
> per-network caches for alt-svc, I suppose.
> For example, my phone goes from home, to a mobile network, to the
> office quite often, it would be nice if alt-svc for my home were able
> to be reused when I return in the evening, subject to the TTL, of
> course.
> On 24 April 2014 17:34, Mark Nottingham <> wrote:
>> <>
>>> For the load balancing use case, it's necessary for clients to always flush altsvc cache upon a network change, but right now they're only required to examine the cache for suspicious entries. We should discuss whether this should be upgraded to always flush.
>> I think the logical proposal would be to change <>
>> """
>> To mitigate risks associated with caching compromised values (see Section 7.2 for details), user agents should examine cached alternative services when they detect a change in network configuration, and remove any that could be compromised (for example, those whose association with the trust root is questionable). UAs that do not have a means of detecting network changes should place an upper bound on their lifetime.
>> """
>> to read:
>> """
>> To mitigate risks associated with caching compromised values (see Section 7.2 for details), user agents should remove all cached alternative services when they detect a change in network configuration. UAs that do not have a means of detecting network changes should place an upper bound on their lifetime.
>> """
>> Thoughts?
>> Cheers,
>> --
>> Mark Nottingham

Mark Nottingham

Received on Friday, 25 April 2014 04:28:28 UTC