Re: Multiple Headers

It is currently unspecified. There are two ways of doing multiple values in
the current draft that may change a bit once we get into the type codecs.
Currently you can either null separate the instances in a single header
value, or you can use separate opcodes for each (treat them as separate
headers). The latter can be far more efficient in the encoding. For now,
I'd recommend the separate opcode approach and revisit it when we discuss
type codecs in more detail.
On Jun 16, 2013 7:48 AM, "Jeff Pinner" <> wrote:

> The SPDY spec defined how multiple headers with the same name were to be
> encoded (as one header with the value-field containing multiple
> null-separated entries).
> Is this the expected encoding
> for draft-ruellan-http-header-compression-00.txt?

Received on Sunday, 16 June 2013 15:14:16 UTC