Re: PROPOSAL: i74: Encoding for non-ASCII headers

Stefan Eissing wrote:
> I totally agree with you here. We just seem to differ on the question  
> if it is worthwhile to introduce UTF-8 headers or go back to ASCII  
> and go the AtomPub "Slug" header way.

I see the value of "slug" encoding for the AtomPub Slug header.
Percent encoded UTF-8 is useful there, because the string is meant to
be spliced directly into URIs, which use the same encoding.

However, the TEXT in HTTP headers is not meant to be used that way,
nor in any other way by the protocol.

I don't have a problem with percent encoded UTF-8, but I also don't
see any point in it, unless we decide that all HTTP header values must
be easily transcribed (same constraint as URIs), in which case
ISO-8859-1 in header values should be dropped at the same time.

-- Jamie

Received on Friday, 28 March 2008 15:28:12 UTC