Re: products in Server header field

fre 2007-03-02 klockan 00:21 +0100 skrev Nicolas Krebs:
> I wish to know which data are allowed in Server: header-field (HTTP 1.1). 
> May i put in an HTTP response "Server: Apache Plone Zope Python" ?

Yes, if you like to. But you should try make sure to use the official
names for each product, possibly with a /version component.

> Does "the software used by the origin server to handle the request" include or 
> allow each software involved in the answer ? 

You may add tokens for any software component you consider may be
significantly relevant for how the request was processed and the answer
was generated.

The main reason for publishing software details like this is allow the
server software to be identified making it easier to diagnose problems.


Received on Friday, 2 March 2007 03:59:27 UTC