Re: New issue: 6.1.1 too vague about parsing requirements

On Fri, 12 Jan 2007, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:

> tor 2007-01-11 klockan 11:17 -0800 skrev Lisa Dusseault:
>> Displaying to the user is problematic if you mean the browser end-
>> user, because the reason phrase isn't internationalized over the
>> wire, nor is it well-suited to be used as a localization lookup.
> This is a completely different question. And in reality it's not a big
> one. It's for example not hard for user-agents to have a translation
> table of the commonly used example reason phrases.
> Also, there is nothing which requires user-agents to display the reason
> phrase at all.
> My proposed change in wording is only to clarify that the reason-phrase
> SHOULD NOT be used by automata, only humans if anyone.

The text is pretty clear, especialy when you read "The reason phrases 
listed here are only recommendations -- they MAY be replaced by local 
equivalents...", implying your text.
Lisa's comment on the lack on i18n of the reason phrase could be noted in 
this paragraph.

Baroula que barouleras, au tiéu toujou t'entourneras.


Received on Wednesday, 17 January 2007 10:17:57 UTC