Re: WPAD Support for IPv6 (on-topic?)

Hi Eric,

On 03/04/2007, at 10:02 AM, Eric Lawrence wrote:
> I’m not sure this is the best forum for this question, but I figure  
> that the folks here can point me in the right direction if I’m  
> seriously off-topic.  J
The problem with proxy.pac has always been finding an appropriate  
forum; it's really just a set of ECMAScript extensions, so some might  
say that's the best place. I'm not sure I agree, as most of the  
relevant expertise seems to be here.
>  A while ago, our Networking team blogged about how Microsoft’s  
> HTTP stacks handle support WPAD for IPv6 addresses.
> I’m curious if you had any feedback on the approach we’ve taken:
> and-WinInet.aspx
Seems sensible at a first glance, with the possible exception of  
getClientVersion(); can't scripts just test for the *Ex functions?  
Also, its value is specified as the version of the WPAD engine, but I  
don't think these are specific to WPAD...


Mark Nottingham

Received on Tuesday, 24 April 2007 09:45:17 UTC