Re: Can the response entity be transmitted before all the request entity has been read?

Scott Lawrence wrote:
> > I'm not entirely sure if this means _network_ errors (such as TCP
> > shutdown or reset), or HTTP Error Status codes 4xx and 5xx.  I guess
> > it means HTTP Error Status codes, because of the implication that the
> > connection might continue.
> It does mean HTTP Error Status responses (any status > 299).

Thanks.  Why > 299?  To my mind, error status is > 399 (i.e. 4xx =
Client Error, 5xx = Server Error).

If redirections are Error Status responses for the purpose of low
level client behaviour in section 8.2.2, that is poorly worded and
should be clarified in the Errata.

If I am confused, surely some client implementations will have it
wrong too.  That's critical: the server _has_ to know whether the
client will abort sending the request body or not, to decide how to
continue with the connection.

> > 2. Regarding my second question, whether a non-error response can be
> > safely transmitted without reading the request entity.  Is it allowed?
> > Does the connection have to be made non-persistent; i.e. closed afterwards?
> Not if the client says it's HTTP/1.1.  If the client is 1.0, then you
> have to assume a non-persistent connection by default.

Assume persistence has already been determined appropriately, by
looking for Connection: close and/or Connection: keep-alive in the

After transmitting the response entity and discovering that it didn't
need the request entity after all, and it wasn't an error response,
it's too late for the server to change the response headers: they are
transmitted already.  The server will not have put Connection: close
in the response header, unless that was requested by the client, or it
was HTTP/1.0 without keep-alive, or some other conditions applied.  So
the server will transmit the response...

And then it has to shut down the connection, right?  (All the while
reading data from the client to avoid the TCP RST problem).

> > If you have enough information to begin the response just from reading
> > the request headers, then you are free to send the response headers
> > right away; even the 1xx response is optional - you can skip right to
> > sending the final response.  (Note: the rules of the protocol don't
> > forbid this - what any given client will do with this is a different
> > question that can be answered only with testing).
> Yes.


> > If 100 (Continue) isn't transmitted, some clients may start
> > transmitting their request entities anyway.  Therefore there's no way
> > for the server to determine whether data received from the client is
> > the request entity or the next request, if it wants to try avoiding
> > 100 (Continue) to produce a non-error response without using the
> > request entity.
> No, you can tell from the headers whether or not there is a request
> body.  If there is a non-zero Content-Length, or a 'Transfer-Encoding:
> chunked', or a Content-Type specifying a multipart encoding, then that
> indicates the presence of a body.  If none of the above are there, the n
> there is no body and the next byte starts the next request.

That's not what I mean.  What I'm saying is: if I _don't_ send 100
(Continue), I don't see a way to determine whether the client _chose_
to not transmit the request entity _despite_ the Content-Length or
Transfer-Encoding headers.  Therefore, after doing that, there's no way
for the server to read another request, and it must shut down the

(Btw, any Transfer-Encoding indicates a request body, and "chunked" is
required to be the last in the sequence of transfer-codings.  If
Content-Type specifies "multipart/byteranges", that indicates a body,
but I see nothing in RFC 2616 which indicates a body for any other
multipart encoding.  Right?)

But now on yet more diligent reading of RFC 2616, I have a question.
This whole mail revolves around the question so I'll make it stand

    If the client sends Expect: 100-continue, and receives an HTTP/1.1
    (or later) response which is not preceded by 100 (Continue), is
    the client allowed to send more requests on that connection
    _without_ transmitting the request entity?

> > Or can it avoid reading the request entity completely, by not sending
> > 100 (Continue) and somehow determining when the next request arrives
> > on that connection.  Is that possible?
> No, but even if it were it wouldn't save you anything - TCP is a stream;
> there's no way to discard the bytes other than at the receiver (without
> closing the connection, that is).

Eh?  If you don't send 100 (Continue) then it does save you quite a
lot: the client might not transmit the request entity at all!

Also, if you stop reading at the receive, eventually the TCP window
fills and the transmitter stops, which reduces data transmitted
overall if not all of the request entity is read.  That may or may not
cause deadlock, depending on the transmitter's logic.  We can avoid
deadlock while reading the minimum at the server, by reading only when
the data is needed, writing response as we generate it, and if writing
blocks, then reading until writing is unblocked, buffering the read data.

This is the logic I have now.  Assume in every case that the
connection is persistent: the request doesn't have Connection: close,
and it's HTTP/1.1.

  1. If the server sends a non-error response, without 100 (Continue)
     and without observing any request entity prior to sending the
     response, then it must not try to read another request because of
     the ambiguity as to whether the client actually sent the request
     entity or not.  Is this correct?

  2. If the server sends an error response, without 100 (Continue) and
     without observing any request entity prior to sending the
     response, then it must not try to read another request for the
     same reason.  Is this correct?

  3. If the server sends a *non-error* response, after 100 (Continue),
     and before reading all of the request entity, it can assume the
     client will send all of the request entity or abort the connection.

     In this case if the server doesn't want to read all of the
     request entity, because it knows the entity is large and there
     is no point transferring the remaining data, then after it has
     completely sent the response entity it should signal connection
     shutdown (i.e. TCP FIN, shutdown(SHUT_WR)), and continue reading
     for a while to prevent the TCP RST problem.

     If the server does want to read all the request entity after it
     has started sending the respones, it can just do that and it
     should work.

  4. If the server sends an *error* response, after 100 (Continue),
     and before reading all of the request entity, it must assume the
     client MAY prematurely abort transmitting the request entity
     either by closing the connection or transmitting a zero length

     In this case if the server doesn't want to read all of the
     request entity, because it knows the entity is large and there
     is no point transferring the remaining data, then it doesn't have
     to shutdown the connection.  The client may terminate the request
     entity with a zero length chunk allowing the connection to
     continue.  However, the client might not, so if there's a lot of
     data still coming in, the server may choose to shutdown the
     connection, in the same way as for 3. above, a short time after
     sending the error response and failing to see the client
     prematurely terminate the request entity.

     If the server does want to read all the request entity after it
     has started sending the response, it cannot.  It has to _delay_
     sending any of the response until all of the request entity has
     been read.

  5. Because of the different required behaviours in 3. and 4., due to
     RFC 2616 section 8.2.2, the server and client must agree on what
     consitutes an "Error Status".

     Clearly 4xx and 5xx codes are; 1xx and 2xx are not.
     It isn't clear whether 3xx codes are errors.

     If there is disagreement either way, there are problems.  If the
     client receives a 3xx and treats that like a non-error, it will
     continue transmitting the request entity.  For the server to
     terminate that transmission, to save bandwidth and inform the
     client that it doesn't need all the response, it needs to
     shutdown the connection after the response is transmitted, in
     this case.

     If the client receives a 2xx and reacts in the same way as for an
     error status, it may prematurely terminate the request entity by
     sending a zero length chunk, or it may close the connection
     which, although always allowed perhaps due to user abort, is not
     expected for non-aborted non-error requests.  Therefore for the
     server to not cause premature request entity termination, it must
     _delay_ sending the response until it has read the whole request,
     in this case.

     So if there is any disagreement among implementations over what
     is an Error Status for the purpose of section 8.2.2, this creates
     a third category of responses that the server must treat
     differently from 3. and 4.  I see this category containing 3xx.

     If one of these responses is generated within the server, and the
     server wants to read all of the request entity eventually, then
     it must _delay_ sending any of the response until all of the
     request has been read.  However if the server does not want to
     read all of the request entity, it cannot assume the client is
     likely to prematurely terminate the request entity by closing or
     sending a zero length chunk.

     So the server's behaviour with this category of responses is
     different from its behaviour for responses which are consistently
     treated by implementations as errors or non-errors.  It has to
     use this third, more conservative strategy.

  6. If the server transmits a response, and in so doing discovers
     that it doesn't need any of the request entity, then it can avoid
     sending 100 (Continue).

     However, if it does not send 100 (Continue) is it true that it
     mustn't try to read another request on that connection?  I'm not

     If the server discovers it doesn't need any of the request
     entity, but it would like the keep the connection persistent, it
     needs to use a different strategy for non-error and error

         a. For non-error responses, if the request entity is known
            to be small from the Content-Length header or otherwise,
            it may be worth the server sending 100 (Continue) prior
            to the response anyway, reading the whole request entity
            and discarding it, and continuing to read another request.

         b. For non-error responses, if the request entity is known
            to be large, or the server doesn't wish to encourage
            an unknown size transmission over the network from the client,
            the server will avoid sending 100 (Continue), and instead
            shutdown the connection (carefully, avoiding the TCP RST
            problem) after sending the response.

         c. For error responses, the size of the request entity is not
            important.  The client will abort sending the request entity,
            and make an appropriate decision on whether to continue using
            the connection.

            100 (Continue) must be still be sent by the server if it
            wants to use the connection persistently after the error
            response.  Is this correct?  (I'm not sure).

This translates to the following logic in server code.  I would be
grateful to anyone who can offer corrections to or insight into this
logic.  It seems more complicated than I'd expected to need for
implementing lazy request entity reading for an application running on
top of the server.

    a. In all of the steps below, where it says transmit 100 (Continue)
       that may be avoided if some request entity has already
       been received.

    b. While transmitting the response, if at any time the
       transmission is blocked for writing, the server should try to
       read data from the client and save it for when the server
       application reads it, in order to resolve deadlock with less
       tolerant clients and large messages that fill TCP windows.

    c. As soon as the server application tries to read any of request
       entity, transmit 100 (Continue).

    d. If the application generates a *non-error* status, and might
       need to read some of the request entity but hasn't yet,
       transmit 100 (Continue) before the status.

    e. If the application generates a *non-error* status, and has
       already read or tried to read some of the request entity,
       transmit the status immediately.

    f. If the application generates a *non-error* status, and is
       already able to commit to not needing any of the request
       entity, but the size of the request entity is believed by the
       server to be sufficiently small that it's worth reading in
       order to maintain a persistent connection, and the connection
       is still eligible for persistence (neither side has transmitted
       Connection: close), transmit 100 (Continue) before the status.

    g. If the application generates a *non-error* status and is
       already able to commit to not needing any of the request
       entity, and the request entity is not believed by the server to
       be small enough to read in order to maintain a persistent
       connection, transmit the status without 100 (Continue).

    h. If the application has already generated a *non-error* status
       and is subsequently able to commit to not needing any more of
       the request entity than it has already read (which may be
       none), there is no need for the server to continue reading from
       the client except as noted for deadlock avoidance (b.), or if
       the server is going to read the whole request entity anyway (f.).

    i. If the application finishes handling a request and it generated
       a *non-error* status, and did not read all of the request
       entity, and the connection is still eligible for persistence
       (neither side has transmitted Connection: close), and the
       server believes that the amount of request entity that has not
       yet been received is small enough to be worth receiving in
       order to maintain a persistent connection, then it should read
       the remaining request entity and continue using the connection.

    j. If the application finishes handling a request and it generated
       a *non-error* status, and did not read all of the request
       entity, and the server believes that it is not worth receiving
       the remainder of the request entity, it should politely
       shutdown the connection, with a "lingering close" to avoid TCP
       RST problems.  Deadlock avoidance is required in conjunction
       with the lingering close as with (b.), by continuing to read
       incoming request data rather than letting the TCP receive window

    k. If the application generates an *error* status, and might need
       to read some of the request entity but hasn't yet, *delay*
       transmitting the status until the application has completed
       handling this request, or can otherwise commit to not
       needing the request entity, or does actually read the
       entity and the *whole* entity has been received, or at least
       as much as the application will need of it.

    l. If the application generates an *error* status, and has
       already read or tried to read some of the request entity,
       *delay* transmitting the status until the *whole* entity
       has been received, or at least as much as the application
       will need of it.

    m. If the application generates an *error* status, and is already
       able to commit to not needing any of the request entity,
       transmit the status immediately.  The size of the request 
       entity is not important, because the client is expected to
       prematurely abort a long one.

    n. If the application has already generated an *error* status and
       is subsequently able to commit to not needing any more of the
       request entity than it has already read (which may be none),
       there is no need for the server to continue reading from the
       client except as noted for deadlock avoidance (b.).  However,
       if the connection is still eligible for persistence, the server
       should continue reading for a limited time, number of bytes or
       other policy determined by the server (see o.), speculating
       that the connection will be used for another request.

    o. If the application finishes handling a request and it generated
       an *error* status, and did not read all of the request
       entity, and the connection is still eligible for persistence
       (neither side has transmitted Connection: close), the server
       should continue to read and discard the request entity.  The
       client should prematurely terminate the request entity, although
       it might not.  Therefore the server should read and discard
       only for a limited time, number of bytes, or other policy
       determined by the server, and if the end of the request is not
       seen by then it should politely shutdown the connection, with
       a "lingering close", as in (j.).

    p. If the application generates a status which it's thought some
       clients may treat as an error and some as non-error for the
       purpose of RFC 2616 section 8.2.2, a conservative mix of the
       above rules is required.  3xx status codes might be in this

-- Jamie

Received on Friday, 12 March 2004 14:07:13 UTC