Re: [css3-page] comments on last ED

fantasai <> wrote on 2013/02/21 9:46:17
> On 02/20/2013 05:55 AM, Daniel Glazman wrote:
> >
> > The CSS WG is not responsible if vendors implement unstabilized features
> > and if users of these vendors use the features. It says nothing about
> > the quality of the solution they're using. It only says they use it.
> > Good for YesLogic and AntennaHouse who shipped experimental features
> > to the masses, bad for the W3C Process, something you should care about,
> > right?
> CSS3 Page went to CR already. We pulled it back because so much of it
> was poorly-defined, and the definitions thus need several rounds of
> edits before we get them right. But the features themselves have not
> changed much in design from the CR.
> ~fantasai

We (AntennaHouse) implemented CSS3 Page with experimental features
including a bit of GCPM, and hope these specifications will be 
improved and stabilized. Also I am interested in the discussion of
the Paged Media Level 4 that I'll have to learn a lot.

For your information:
O'Reilly Media is building books with CSS3 Paged Media (using AntennaHouse).
"EPUB 3 Best Practices" 
is an example.
There is an A List Apart article, "Building Books with CSS3" 
(by Nellie McKesson, O'Reilly Media, Inc.)
and a presentation at the recent O'Reilly's event TOC 2013, 
"CSS3 (and HTML!) for Publishers" (Nellie McKesson)


Shinyu Murakami
Antenna House

Received on Thursday, 21 February 2013 07:14:26 UTC