Added products to Tracker (was Re: editor's draft should link to last published draft)

Hi all,

This message:

On Apr 3, 2009, at 10:37 AM, Doug Turner wrote:

> Also, we need an issue for removing:
> readonly attribute double heading;
> readonly attribute double speed;
> From the Coordinates interface.  In V2, these might also be  
> reflected in a Address interface.

Trigged some thoughts on organizing our issues, even though this one  
wasn't affected.  I added new "products" to our tracker instance,  
called "GeoAPI V1" and "GeoAPI V2" and assigned all open issues to the  
appropriate product.  New issues should pick one or if it's not clear,  
leave it empty.  I've only put one in  "GeoAPI V2", and that's civic  
addressing.  Any feedback is appreciated.


Received on Monday, 6 April 2009 22:07:02 UTC