Comment on 1.1 Spec, fo:conditional-page-master-reference

[redirected for Glen Mazza <> by Paul Grosso]

Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2004 22:27:30 -0400
From: Glen Mazza <>
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Subject: Comment on 1.1 Spec, fo:conditional-page-master-reference
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed


For the definition of the fo:conditional-page-master-reference[1], the "Note" in this section appears inaccurate:

"If any page-master referenced from a conditional-page-master-reference with blank-or-not-blank="|true|" provides a region in which to put fo:flow content, no content is put in that region."

There appears to be three problems with this statement:

1.)  Although the blank-or-not-blank property may *resolve* to "true", that is not an acceptable value for the property--it is limited to "blank", "not blank", "any", or "inherit".  (Both in the description of this property in [1] and in [2]).  If it was your intention to mean "resolve to true", you should probably remove the quotes from the above.

But even so:

2.)  The first of the three conditions in which this trait evaluates to true ([1], paragraph just above the Note) is when the value of the trait is "not-blank" and there are areas generated.  So the Note appears to be contradicted:  here, blank-or-not-blank evaluates to "true", but content *will be* put in that region.  (A similar statement can be made when the value for this property is "any".)

3.)  The Note appears to have the definition backwards:  it is the fact that no content ended up being put in the region, along with a value of this trait being "blank" or "any", which *caused* the value of this trait to resolve to "true".  Not that fact that it is "true" beforehand, and hence no content is to be put into the region.

Recommendation is to remove the sentence comprising the Note.


Glen Mazza
FOP Team


Received on Monday, 19 April 2004 21:36:08 UTC