5.3.2 Margin, Space, and Indent Properties

The above section seems to define the relationship between, say,
end-indent and padding/border/space-end shown in the diagram
RectsForModel.gif in 4.4.1 Stacked Block-areas.  I.e., end-indent =
padding-end + border-end + space-end, where, according to 5.3.2,
space-end has a corresponding margin property.  5.3.2 has
end-indent = margin-corresponding + padding-end + border-end-width

What does this do to the following announcement in 4.4.1?

   1. For each block-area B which is a descendant of P, the following
    * the end-edge of its allocation-rectangle is parallel to the
      of the content-rectangle of R, and offset from it inward by a
      distance equal to the block-area's end-indent plus its
      end-intrusion-adjustment (as defined below), minus its border-end,
      padding-end, and space-end value

Isn't that saying, "...a distance equal to the block-area's end-indent
plus its end-intrusion-adjustment minus its end-indent"?  That's what
the diagram seemed to indicate when I first read 4.4.1, and now, having
just read 5.3.2 (I'm a slow reader of specifications) that initial
impression is confirmed.  What am I missing?

Peter B. West  pbwest@powerup.com.au  http://powerup.com.au/~pbwest
"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

Received on Sunday, 28 January 2001 08:34:44 UTC