document() documentation


I'm learning how to use the document() function and how useful it can

But I found the document() description
( somewhat confusing:

-	There is no motivating problem which it solves

-	There is no illustrative code from which to infer such a problem

-	Paragraphs 2 and 3 of this section appear to be a prose enumeration of
the interpretation of various paramater-type permutations, which seem to
be much more various than is apparent from a quick glance at the
function definition.

-	Paragraphs 3 and 4 are a prose enumeration of various error types

-	But there's no clear indicator of where I start - what is the simple
or normal case?

David Carlisle had a useful example on XSL-list yesterday which gave a
good demo of what the function does and how you use it in a for-each
loop - that's what made me feel the function was worth using.

I suspect that it's all actually logically correct and possibly even
complete, but it made me feel like I had a reading age of about three
and a half, which may not be entirely a good sign.

Thanks -


Received on Wednesday, 27 October 1999 09:30:24 UTC