Re: [xproc 3.0] proposal for a generic xml validation report language (#issue 135)

HI Matthieu,

first of all: Happy new year to you, your family and your colleagues.

As you know I am not an expert in complicated validation processes, but as we all agreed, XProc 3.0 should support generating reports on all validation steps. 

So we are in need for a common or generic language and for me might be a good step in this direction.
Although Ari has not set up an agenda for the Community Group Meeting in Prague on Feb. 6 & 7, this might be a good topic to discuss face to face, bringing together the different experience and requirements from different users.

Greetings from Germany,

> Am 10.12.2017 um 16:43 schrieb Matthieu RICAUD-DUSSARGET <>:
> Hi all, 
> In my company we need an XML generic format to get errors and warning from a multiple validation (schema + schematron).
> We’ve been looking at existing languages like SVRL, PSVI, XSV, saxon report language but none of them exactly matches our need.
> At the beginning, we thought SVRL was the best candidate, but we found it’s actually too much tied with schematron validation only.
> So we finally create an internal grammar which we call XVRL (stands for “XML Validation Report Language”).
> We discussed in Amsterdam meetup about a unifying report ports of validation steps in xproc as describe here : and we thought XVRL could help in this direction ?
> Please find as attach file a sample and the grammar (both Relax NG and XML Schema).
> If you find this is an interesting candidate I guess we could add in on github with an open source licence.
> Any comments welcome about the format itself and about its use with xproc ?
> Best regards
> Matthieu Ricaud.
> PS : do you think adding this proposal to issue #135 makes sens ? or any where else (xml-dev list?)
> PPS : We also made an XVRL to JSON conversion using the xpath 3.0 xml-to-json() function
> Cordialement, 
> <image001.png>
> <image002.png>
> Matthieu Ricaud-Dussarget
> Expert XML
> Tél : 01 40 92 21 98
> 80 Avenue de la Marne - 92120 Montrouge
> <sample-report.xvrl><xvrl.rng><xvrl.xsd><xml.xsd><sample-report.xvrl.xjson><sample-report.xvrl.xjson.json>

Achim Berndzen

Received on Tuesday, 2 January 2018 11:02:03 UTC