Don’t forget to bring your knit sweaters and raincoats to Aachen this Thursday…

This is a reminder that the volunteer XProc 3.0 working group will meet 
in Aachen this week and a notice that the weather will be quite chilly 
and rainy. If you are staying not too far from Aachen and haven’t yet 
planned on going there (and if weather prospects don’t deter you), 
please consider joining us in Aachen spontaneously:
If you, like yours truly, think that p:with-input, instead of an 
overloaded p:input for connections, would have made learning XProc 
easier for you, this is the opportunity to make your voice heard:
I’m sure there will be more bikeshedding opportunities, but also pretty 
substantial discussions, for example on the topic of representing 
non-XML documents. It will be the 3rd workshop this year, after Prague 
in February and London in June, where we will be discussing non-XML 
documents (JSON, images, zip archives, …). If this doesn’t convince you 
yet, you might be interested in standardizing importing user-defined 
XPath functions written in XQuery or XSLT 
No matter what arcane sub-topic your current interest in XProc pertains 
to – most importantly, you will meet fellow XProckers, a rare species, 
in Aachen.


Received on Tuesday, 12 September 2017 23:39:54 UTC