Output of cx:message on Oxygen


it seems, I can not get the output of |cx:message| on Oxygen.

|<p:for-each> <p:iteration-source
select="//c:file[contains(@name,'.epub')]"/> <p:output port="result"
sequence="true"/> <cx:message> <p:with-option name="message"
select="'Blah'"/> </cx:message> </p:for-each> |

“Blah” simply doesn’t appear anywhere. I have enabled “Messages from
XProc” in the Oxygen prefs.
Am I doing it wrong?

Then I thought, that |cx:message| doesn’t go to the console/message
pane, but I must route it to an output, so I tried:

|<p:output port="message" primary="false"> <p:pipe port="result"
step="msg" sequence="true"/> </p:output> [..] <p:for-each>
<p:iteration-source select="//c:file[contains(@name,'.epub')]"/>
<p:output port="result" sequence="true"/> <cx:message name="msg">
<p:with-option name="message" select="'blah'"/> </cx:message>
</p:for-each> |

The error Calabash gives me is:

|XE0001 : Unreadable port: result on msg |


Goody Bye, Minden jót, Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Andreas Mixich

Received on Monday, 13 November 2017 20:29:41 UTC