Metadata Extractor revisited

Hi all

Back in 2014 Erik Siegal asked about getting the metadata extractor to work because he was getting this error when he tried:  


 Misconfigured. No 'class' in configuration for cx:metadata-extractor 

Now I’m getting the same thing having dug out some old code from before the step libraries being separate. I’ve got somewhere by reading the source code in that I think I need to do something like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cc:xproc-config xmlns:cc="" xmlns:cx="" >
    <cc:implementation class-name="com.xmlcalabash.extensions.MetadataExtractor" type="cx:metadata-extractor"/>

in my calabash config. Now it is probably working (probably because I’m getting errors in metadata not in XProc). Is this documented somewhere and is this something I should be doing another way?



Received on Tuesday, 14 February 2017 10:34:41 UTC