Re: vnext: Idle musings about choose/when

Sorry, obviously I missed this one.

The „same signature for all branches“-rule surely is an inconvenience in terms of verbosity. 
If I remember right, it gave me some troubles when learning XProc, but once I get used to it, it is not hard to follow.

Saying the same with less keystrokes, as Norm suggested, surely makes writing pipelines easier, so I would welcome his suggestion.
On the other hand I recall the discussions we had about XProc’s high learning curve. Replacing one simple rule with three new rules may add some further complexity to XProc.

By the way: Unless I miss something important, the new rules should also state that a output port present in one branch but missing in another must have @sequence=„true“. Right?


Achim Berndzen

> Am 18.10.2016 um 15:12 schrieb Norman Walsh <>:
> Hello world,
> How much of an inconvenience is the requirement that all branches of a
> choose/when have the same signature?
> Suppose we eliminated that rule.
> <p:choose name="run-stuff">
>  <p:when test="not($moon-is-full) or ($today != $tuesday)">
>    <p:output port="result" primary="true"/>
>    <p:output port="secondary" step="xslt"/>
>    <p:xslt name="xslt">…</p:xslt>
>  </p:when>
>  <p:otherwise>
>    <p:output port="result"/>
>    <p:identity>
>      <p:document href="not-today.xml"/>
>    </p:identity>
>  </p:otherwise>
> </p:choose>
> Three new rules:
> 1. An explicit binding to an output port on a p:choose is allowed as
> long as at least one of its branches defines a port with that name.
> That means <p:input step="run-stuff" port="secondary"/> is ok,
> but <p:input step="run-stuff" port="fribble"/> is a static error.
> 2. A p:choose has a primary output port if-and-only-if all of the
> branches have a primary output port with the same name. So this choose
> does have a primary output port: "result".
> 3. Any choose output that is not provided by the branch actually
> evaluated at runtime gets an empty sequence. That means that
> when the moon is full on Tuesdays,
> <p:input step="run-stuff" port="secondary"/> gets an empty sequence.
> We could relax rule 1 further and say any binding is allowed, but
> that doesn’t seem like it would be helpful to the author.
> We could relax rule 2 further and say that it has a primary output
> port if any of its branches do. But that would have consequences that
> seem extra weird to me. The primary output port is a convenience, it
> can always be replaced by an explicit binding. But if we relaxed rule
> 2 so that any output that was primary in the selected branch was
> bound, then that would no longer be true as the primary outputs might
> have different port names in the different branches.
>                                        Be seeing you,
>                                          norm
> -- 
> Norman Walsh
> Lead Engineer
> MarkLogic Corporation
> Phone: +1 512 761 6676

Received on Friday, 21 October 2016 14:37:02 UTC