Re: Added support for Saxon 9.7 to Calabash

On 8 November 2016 at 03:31, Norman Walsh wrote:


> Fabulous work. Thank you, Florent!

Thank you Norm, happy to push this forward ;-)

After the last discussions with Mike on the topic of the system ID and
base URI, for the secondary result documents in XSLT (see the entire
thread at, I think
the right approach is to actually provide a "fixed System ID receiver"
to Saxon.

We know that we want the document to keep its system ID (in case of
secondary result trees), because this is how we identify them in
XProc.  So that is what I have committed on my branch (see the commit
at, and
the branch at

So now the entire test suite passes.  I think the branch is quite
clean for anyone to review.  I tried to minimize the changes as much
as possible.  Though I tried to keep the branch backward compatible
with Saxon 9.6 as well, it was not possible, if only for the new
interface "Location".

So I am not quite sure how you want to take it from there, but IMHO
what makes more sense would be to merge that branch into one of the
same name in your repo: "saxon97".  Yet another release to maintain.

Let me know if you need anything from me (pull request, merge...)


Florent Georges - New website!

Received on Thursday, 10 November 2016 08:23:12 UTC