XML Calabash 1.1.4 released

Hello world,

The 1.1.4 release uses a newer release of XML Resolver by default. It
also fixes a few bugs.

* Use XML Resolver 0.12.3. This release searches the classpath for a
  resolver.properties file and has a bootstrap resolver for catalog
  files that contain doctype declarations.

* Fixed bug where System.exit() was being called even if the return
  code was zero. This had the consequence that if you integrated XML
  Calabash into your application by the cheap and cheerful expediency
  of calling main(), it'd terminate your app. Now it just returns if
  the return code is zero.

* Fixed issue #212 by looking for both /catalog.xml and
  /META-INF/catalog.xml in jar files.

* Not a code fix, but I did add a section to the reference guide about
  how to configure Java logging.

Share and enjoy.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh
Lead Engineer
MarkLogic Corporation
Phone: +1 512 761 6676

Received on Friday, 29 May 2015 00:58:32 UTC