Re: Use optional options...

you could provide a default value to the option ( look up 5.7.2
p:option in

    <p:option name="o" required="false" select="()"/>

maybe this does not address your need, but thought I would mention it.

hth, Jim Fuller

On 18 February 2014 01:07, Florent Georges <> wrote:
>   Hi,
>   If I pass an optional option to a step, and if I want to use the
> value of the parameter, without any error because that parameter does
> not exist, I would like to declare the following variable (to default
> the value of the option in case it has not been provided, and to
> prevent static errors), but even in that case it is an error because
> the variable is referenced in the XPath expression, so it is a static
> error:
>     <p:option name="o" required="false"/>
>     <p:variable name="v" select="
>        if ( p:value-available('o') ) then
>           $o
>        else
>           'default value'"/>
>     <!-- here, can use $v everywhere... -->
>   Is there an idiomatic solution to this problem?  I mean, besides
> using a p:choose around all possible step using the option?
>   Regards,
> --
> Florent Georges

Received on Tuesday, 18 February 2014 07:58:33 UTC