own defined step and xml:base "inheritance"

Hi all,

I'm using Calabash. I don't know if the problem comes from xproc
implementation or just xproc dev.

When I use a pipeline with an xml:base attribute, I can use p:xslt with
p:document/@href relative to this xml:base :

  <p:pipeline type="igs:xml2ecf" xml:base="file:///C:/foo/bar/">
        <p:input port="stylesheet"><p:document href="xsl/my.xsl"/></p:input>

As long as file:///C:/foo/bar/xsl/my.xsl exists, it works, perfect !

But when I want to override p:xslt with my own step in a library, it
doesn't work anymore :

  <p:import href="common.xpl"/>
  <p:pipeline type="igs:xml2ecf" xml:base="file:///C:/foo/bar/">
      <igs:xslt href="xsl/igs/v2.5/main_igs_v2.5.xsl"/>

where common.xpl defines :

<p:declare-step type="igs:xslt" name="current">
    <p:input port="source" sequence="true" primary="true"/>
    <p:input port="parameters" kind="parameter"/>
    <p:output port="result" primary="true"/>
    <p:option name="href" required="true" cx:type="xsd:anyURI"/>
    <p:load name="load_stylesheet"><p:with-option name="href"
        <p:input port="stylesheet">
            <p:pipe port="result" step="load_stylesheet"/>
        <p:input port="source">
            <p:pipe port="source" step="current"/>
        <p:input port="parameters">
            <p:pipe port="parameters" step="current"/>
      <p:with-option name="href" select="resolve-uri($debug_fileName,

I have added cx:type="xsd:anyURI" on href option so it is affect by
xml:base but it doesn't work either.

I get an error because the xsl file is not available in the same folder as
the xpl file.

Of course I can add the xml:base on "igs:xslt" p:declare-step and it works.
But this step is a common one and the goal is to be able to call it with a
different xml:base each time.

Do you have any advices or ideas to solve this ?

Thanks in advance,


Matthieu Ricaud-Dussarget
IGS-CP - Développeur XML
05 45 37 09 49

Received on Monday, 16 December 2013 08:51:09 UTC