Re: Calabash: How to quote whitespace in a parameter for the Bash shell?

Meanwhile, I was able to find the solution myself, which (of course ;-) ) is quite easy:

It is enough to enclose $@ in double quotes, so my run_xproc now looks like:

java -cp "/usr/local/lib/saxon9.4/saxon9he.jar:/usr/local/lib/calabash/current/calabash.jar" \
  -Dcom.xmlcalabash.phonehome=false com.xmlcalabash.drivers.Main "$@"

And my other script which is calling the above remains:

run_xproc \
  -isource=mysourcedoc.xml \
  mypipeline.xpl \
  doctype_public="-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"


Received on Tuesday, 5 June 2012 09:34:41 UTC