Re: XML Calabash V0.9.34 released

On 2 September 2011 21:39, Norman Walsh wrote:


> I introduced a couple of ugly bugs in 0.9.33. I think 0.9.34
> fixes those errors


>     * Added Florent Georges' "configurers" patch. You can now
>       configure many aspects of the processor without modifying
>       the original sources.

  Thanks for that, and for your help during this!

>     * Made sure extension attributes are processed on all
>       elements; added hook for an XStep to get access to the
>       underlying Step for access to extension attributes on
>       descendants.

  Thanks.  That solves the problem for XSteps.  But most of the
steps are not XSteps, they are XProcSteps.  And in Calabash those
are even all extending DefaultStep.  So they _have_ an
XAtomicStep (which is an XStep), but they are not an XStep

  I guess a simple and convenient solution is to add a method
like the following to DefaultStep, in order for extension code
manipulating steps to access the underlying XStep and thus the
extension attribtues:

    public XAtomicStep getUnderlyingStep() {
        return step;

or preferably a more dedicated one like:

    public String getExtensionAttribute(QName name) {
        return step == null
            ? null
            : step.getExtensionAttribute(name);


Florent Georges

Received on Sunday, 4 September 2011 15:52:24 UTC