Re: Saxon exception in core Calabash interface

Florent Georges <> writes:
> can throw a SaxonApiException.  This makes
> the assumption Saxon is used in the implementation if a step, and
> is then a convenient way to let the steps throwing the Saxon
> exceptions.  But this maybe lack a bit of abstraction, in
> particular with extension steps using something else than Saxon
> (for which this is a bit strange to throw a Saxon-specific
> exception).

Do you actually *have* such a step?

>   Why not defining an XProcException or CalabashException?

Because SaxonApiException is a checked exception. I suppose I could
remove it from XProcRunnable, but then every implementation will have
to add an explicit try/catch block. Blech.

Tell you what, I'll do better in V2, ok? :-)

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh
Lead Engineer
MarkLogic Corporation
Phone: +1 413 624 6676

Received on Thursday, 1 September 2011 12:28:23 UTC