Re: Initialize a variable with a parameter port

On 21 November 2011 21:57, Geert Josten wrote:


> You can put it just below your inputs, outputs and options as a
> simple <ut:parameters name="params"/>. After that you have to
> use a p:group, and declare p:variables at the top of that with
> a <p:pipe step="params" port="parameters"/>.

  Yes, that's more or less what I had in mind too.  The problem
for a generic step is that you have to choose between a sequence
or not for the primary input port (which is supposed to be the
pass-through).  Probably both ut:parameters and ut:parameters-seq
would make sense then...

  Nice library of tools, BTW :-)


Florent Georges

Received on Tuesday, 22 November 2011 00:19:23 UTC