Re: Integrating Calabash in a Web application

On 9 February 2011 01:36, Alam Sher wrote:

> I create 10 runtime with say a set of 20  different loaded pipelines each.

> I'll have a pool of 200 (10 instances of an identical pipeline each)
> pipelines this way.

  I think you don't even need to create several runtime objects.  Just
have one, and load several times the pipelines in your cache.  And be
sure to properly release unused pipelines, under all conditions.

  But this has to be confirmed, and anyway I think this is an area
within which you will have to investigate on your own, including
getting familiar with the overall internals architecture of Calabash
(really, it's not that complex).

  And yes, I am interested by your results ;-)


Florent Georges

Received on Wednesday, 9 February 2011 11:04:44 UTC