empty arg in p:exec


I recently came up against a quite puzzling issue... What would you  
expect the following step to do in Calabash ?

<p:exec command="tidy" source-is-xml="false" result-is-xml="true" wrap- 
	<p:with-option name="args" select="'-asxml --quiet yes  --show- 
warnings no'"/>

It actually fails with: Error: Can't open ""

The issue is caused by the double space between "-quiet yes" and "- 
show-warnings no". The default args separator is a space, which means  
that the arg list computed by Calabash is [-asxml,--quiet,yes,,--show- 
warnings,no]. It took me a while to get over this one!

It might be better to ignore empty parameters, or do you think it's a  
worthy feature rather than a bug ?


Received on Friday, 19 March 2010 09:00:18 UTC