Using xproc with saxon 6.5/chunked html docbook xsls

I'm playing with calabash and xproc to evaluate it for a general upgrade 
of our DocBook tool chain which currently abuses Ant to glue our various 
xslt steps and other contortions together. I can't tell if it's possible 
to use xproc with Saxon 6.5 and use saxon:output to generate a number of 
output files (i.e to use it to produce chunked html with the DocBook 
xsls, which currently require Saxon 6.5). If so, is there an example of 
how to do this? I haven't found any information on controlling what xslt 
processor is used for a particular xslt step and have found only a few 
places mentioning xslt 2.0's xsl:result-document with xproc. I tend to 
do better with examples than working straight from the spec :-)


Received on Monday, 2 August 2010 09:53:23 UTC