RE: step must contain only a signature

> Beginner errors: when I execute
> <p:declare-step name="myPipeline"
>        xmlns:c=""
>        xmlns:p="">
> 	<p:identity>
> 		<p:input port="source">
> 			<p:inline><c:directory/></p:inline>
> 		</p:input>
> 	</p:identity>
> 	<p:make-absolute-uris match="c:directory/*/@name">
> 		<p:with-option name="base-uri" 
> select="'file:/J:/test/'"/>
> 		<p:output port="result"/>
> 	</p:make-absolute-uris>
> </p:declare-step>
> then Calabash 0.9.14 gives
> Error  : Pipeline failed: com.xmlcalabash.core.XProcException: A
> p:make-absolute-uris step must contain only a signature. p:output not
> allowed.
> while Calumet 1.0.9 executes and outputs
> <c:directory xmlns:c=""/>

I think Calabash is correct here. Calumet simply ignores the p:output
element in this case, but because it is not allowed by the schema, I
think it should reject the pipeline statically.

Thanks for finding this out.


Vojtech Toman
Principal Software Engineer
EMC Corporation

Received on Tuesday, 22 September 2009 07:52:09 UTC