RE: Can a step have both primary document and parameter input ports?

Hi, this looks like a Calabash bug. You can have steps with both a
primary document input port and a primary parameter input port. But
among the document input ports, at most one can be set as primary, and
among the parameter input ports, at most one can be set as primary.
I am actually surprised this is not tested in the XProc test suite - I
will add a test to the p:declare-step family of tests.


	From: []
On Behalf Of Leif Warner
	Sent: Monday, September 21, 2009 1:47 AM
	To: XProc Dev
	Subject: Can a step have both primary document and parameter
input ports?
	The text in the draft says:

		A document that reads:
		 <p:pipeline some-attributes> some-content </p:pipeline>

		can be interpreted as if it read:
		<p:declare-step some-attributes> 
		<p:input port='source' primary='true'/> 
		<p:input port='parameters' kind='parameter'
		<p:output port='result' primary='true'/> 

	With both the document and parameter input ports explicitly
marked primary, 
	whereas this fails on Calabash with: 

		Error  : Pipeline failed: err:XS0030: null  It is a
static error to specify that more than one input port is the primary.

	Does 'primary' mean primary port of that kind, or primary port
in that direction, period? 

Received on Monday, 21 September 2009 11:15:57 UTC