Recommendation needed: how to provide a user-defined step (pipeline) with a subset of information

Hi Folks,

I seek your ideas on how best to implement the following.

I created a user-defined step (i.e. pipeline) to decide if a person applying for an auto loan is underage. The step needs two pieces of information: Age and State.

The Loan_Application.xml document contains that plus a lot of other information:

        <Name>Johnny Brown</Name>
            <Street>101 Curl Drive</Street>

I don't want to send all this to my user-defined step; I only want to send Age and State.

How do you suggest I implement my user-defined step? Currently I have implemented it with two input ports: Age and State:

    <p:declare-step type="applicant:is-underage"

        <p:input port="state" primary="true" />
        <p:input port="age" />
        <p:output port="result"/>


However, using it is cumbersome: first I need to filter the Loan_Application.xml document twice, once to extract Age and once to extract State:
    <p:filter name="get-state" select="Loan-Application/Applicant/Address/State" >
        <p:input port="source">
            <p:pipe step="Auto_Loan" port="auto-loan-application" />

    <p:filter name="get-age" select="Loan-Application/Applicant/Age" >
        <p:input port="source">
            <p:pipe step="Auto_Loan" port="auto-loan-application" />

Then I can use my user-defined step, connecting its input ports to the p:filter outputs:

        <p:input port="state">
            <p:pipe step="get-state" port="result" />
        <p:input port="age">
            <p:pipe step="get-age" port="result" />

There's got to be a better way. 

Perhaps my user-defined step should be implemented using options, rather than input ports? (I tried that but wasn't able to get it to work)

My question boils down to this: 

    What's the best way to extract a few pieces 
    of information from an XML document and 
    provide them to a user-defined step?


P.S. Here's my user-defined step:

    <p:declare-step type="applicant:is-underage"

        <p:input port="state" primary="true" />
        <p:input port="age" />
        <p:output port="result"/>

        <p:pack wrapper="applicant">
            <p:input port="alternate">
                <p:pipe step="is-underage" port="age" />
            <p:variable name="state" select="applicant/*[1]" />
            <p:variable name="age" select="applicant/*[2]" />
                <p:when test="($state eq 'AK') and (number($age) le 16)">
                        <p:input port="source">
                <p:when test="($state eq 'AL') and (number($age) le 18)">
                        <p:input port="source">
                <p:when test="($state eq 'AZ') and (number($age) le 17)">
                        <p:input port="source">
                <!-- ... -->
                <p:when test="($state eq 'OH') and (number($age) le 18)">
                        <p:input port="source">
                <!-- ... -->
                <p:when test="($state eq 'WY') and (number($age) le 17)">
                        <p:input port="source">
                        <p:input port="source">


Received on Friday, 12 June 2009 23:55:03 UTC