Re: Fileutils

> <p:declare-step type="cxf:info">
> <p:declare-step type="cxf:touch">
> <p:declare-step type="cxf:tempfile">
> <p:declare-step type="cxf:delete">
> <p:declare-step type="cxf:mkdir">
> <p:declare-step type="cxf:copy">
> <p:declare-step type="cxf:move">

cool, could we add a fail-on-error option which is set to true by
default on all the steps, but could be overridden if different
behavior is desired.

also any thoughts on ?


also wondering 'out loud' if whilst we are here to investigate any
extension attributes to p:data / p:document (or p:load) to make
encoding explicit between binary/unicode/other encoding ... I know we
have content-type for p:data but I think we default to whats inside
the document to inform with p:document.

thx for all this Norman, looks great.

cheers, Jim Fuller

Received on Monday, 1 June 2009 12:08:11 UTC