Re: Extension function prefixes/namespace

"David A. Lee" <> writes:
> I'm implementing the extension functions for the XProc processor.
> I cant find anywhere in the specs which defines explictly what the
> "prefix" has to be.
> The examples use "p:" and by implication

They have to be in the XProc namespace, and they have to have a
prefix, but the actual prefix is irrelevant.

> So by power of deduction, seeing "p:" used for extension functions
> implies maybe these functions are supposed to be really
> "Whatever prefix is in the namespace scope which is bound to the URL


> Here's my confusion.   From an implementation point of view (and maybe
> a spec point of view?)
> XProc extension functions dont really belong to "namespaces" they are
> associated with "prefixes" (???).
> XQuery functions, on the other hand do follow a rigerous namespace
> model, but XProc functions dont seem to.

They do. If they don't seem to, that's editorial clumsiness on my

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | We do not know what thoughts stirred in            | the mind of the last of the mastodons,
                              | but we can take it that they were
                              | nothing very remarkable. It is hardly
                              | likely that the last man will have the
                              | mind of a Goethe. He will die, and that
                              | will be the last stage of human
                              | progress.--Anatole France

Received on Monday, 27 April 2009 11:17:17 UTC