how to get the name of a document?


Considering this pipeline:

||<p:declare-step name="main" xmlns:p="">

  <p:input port="source" primary="true"/>

  <p:input port="style" primary="false"/>

  <p:xinclude name="included">
    <p:input port="source">
      <p:pipe step="main" port="source"/>

  <p:xslt name="xslt">
    <p:input port="parameters">
    <p:input port="source">
      <p:pipe step="included" port="result"/>
    <p:input port="stylesheet">
      <p:pipe step="main" port="style"/>

      <p:pipe step="xslt" port="secondary"/>
      <p:with-option name="href" select="?"/>


the stylesheet outputs several documents using 'xsl:result-document' and
I would like to store them with the name given in the "href" attribute
of 'xsl:result-document'. Does anyone knows if there is a way to get
back this attribute?


Maxime Bégnis

Received on Monday, 6 April 2009 09:21:50 UTC