Re: using p:variable


On 14 Dec 2008, at 11:35, Dave Pawson wrote:
> So how do I wrap it in a simple inline element to append to the  
> result stream?
> Both your examples use variables 'indirectly'?
> In xslt terms wheres the equivalent of
> <doc>
> <xsl:value-of select='$myvar'/>
> </doc>

I think the easiest way to do it is with XSLT of the kind I gave you  
in the previous example. There's no standard step that I can see for  
"replace the content of an element with a string", which is  
essentially what you need to do to create an element from a string.

You could use p:string-replace:

<p:pipeline xmlns:p="">

   <p:variable name="product-name" select="'Fribble Widgets'" />

   <p:string-replace match="product/text()">
     <p:input port="source">
     <p:with-option name="replace"
                      replace($product-name, '&quot;', '&quot;&quot;'),
                      '&quot;')" />


but the p:with-option there isn't pretty, because the value of the  
replace option is an XPath expression, so to create a (quoted) string  
from the value you have in the $product-name variable, you need to  
concatenate some quotes and then make sure you escape any quotes in  
the value of the $produce-name variable.

Maybe there'd be a use for a p:set-value step. I don't know.

Jeni Tennison

Received on Sunday, 14 December 2008 13:09:24 UTC