Re: unresponsive link on

Hello all,
   I've a proposal. Can anyone give me sponsorship, to host the below
mentioned XML Schema webapp on say AWS (with due respects to other cloud

I only need monetary resources for the perpetual hosting part. I don't
require sponsorship for my time on this.

How does this sound?

On 5 February 2018 at 14:43, Mukul Gandhi <> wrote:

> Hello,
>     Editors of the site,
> The following line,
> " There is also an online Schema valdation service using Xerces-J run by
> Mukul Gandhi at [as of April
> 2016]"
> is not useful anymore. While redhat released new version of its cloud
> platform, failed to take care of migrating of existing freely deployed
> sites on their cloud, to a suitable new free system on their cloud platform.
> Until I'm able to rehost the above XML Schema webapp at another place, the
> mentioned line should be removed from the site,

Mukul Gandhi

Received on Thursday, 8 February 2018 06:30:46 UTC