Re: Xpath result vs. xs:assert result

On Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 11:27 AM, C. M. Sperberg-McQueen <> wrote:

> I think there are two things you may mean here; one of them is true.

> ​...

>  The only assertions
> which would be evaluated for the xsd:complexType element which defines
> R would be those in the schema for XSD schema documents.  And in the
> current version of the XSD schema for XSD schema documents, there are no
> assertions.
​Thank you. This is where I made my mistake in understanding.  Am I correct
in that Schematron will not solve this problem as well? ​

>From your description, it sounds as if the 'issuer' and 'assignor' elements
> in the XML document are conveying no information:  the values for each
> can be calculated from the value of 'id-name'.  If this is so, then the
> simplest
> way to address your problem is not to solve it but to dissolve it by
> removing the redundancy from the design.
​I can see that this would be the solution from a perspective of the way
schemas are commonly used.  However, I am solving a larger problem and not
a specific implementation issue.

Again, thank you very much for the insight.



Timothy Cook
LinkedIn Profile:

Received on Saturday, 21 March 2015 15:04:32 UTC