Order indicators in the .xsd file

Hi XML experts,

I have a problem about the use of order indicators in the creation of
XML schema (.xsd file). As I learned from W3School
(http://www.w3schools.com/schema/schema_complex_indicators.asp),  we
have 3 order indicators in the XML Schema language:

All - the child elements can appear in any order, and each child
element must occur only once
Choice - either one child element or another can occur
Sequence - the child elements must appear in a specific order

I have an element (for example <asset>) that has 23 child elements,
three of them can have more than 1 instances, and 7 of them are
required (includes the 3 have more than 1 instances). According to the
definition of the order indicators, "sequence" is the only indicator I
can use in the XML schema, but I hope there is no order restriction
for the appearance of  23 child elements. Do you have any ideas to
solve this problem?

Thank you,

Fred Li

Received on Wednesday, 17 October 2012 13:54:26 UTC