Re: Here's how to empower instance document authors to create their own root element

On 10/14/2012 8:59 AM, Costello, Roger L. wrote:
> It is not necessary to declare a root element in your XML Schema. You can empower instance document authors to create their own root element.

Right, or you can explicitly declare several root elements, and let your 
users use any one as a root. If you have:

<xs:element name="a">...</xs:element>
<xs:element name="b">...</xs:element>
<xs:element name="c">...</xs:element>

Then in principle <a>, <b>, or <c> can be a root element, and most likely 
without the need for xsi:type in the instance.


Received on Sunday, 14 October 2012 16:35:36 UTC